Before becoming Prime Minister she has been Foreign Minister under Prime Minister Ben Gurion. Then Ligal Allon took over before being turned over Levi Oshkol replace Allon. Not long after she became Prime Minister of Israel and began duty March 17, 1969 - June 3, 1974, replacing levi oshkol who experienced sudden death incident in his office and as of yet unknown cause.
When Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel was Arab states such as "fie beard". A few times a losing battle, until at last in the war of Yom Kippur ( 6 day war ) to 5 Arab countries ( Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Jordan ) must be defeated , even Palestine, Egypt and Syria have lost some territories such as the Sinai Desert ( been handed back by Israel to Egypt because they do not have any advantage other than the dry barren desert and arid ), the Golan Heights belong to Syria ( and still are maintained because have high economic value ). Moreover, the Palestinians, virtually disappeared from the map 75% of its territory belongs to Israel.
When Black September 1972 attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic athlete housing, Iron Lady is not familiar with compromise measures. She sent a full squad of Israeli commandos into the Germany army. As a result, although all these were killed, but on the other side of 7 Palestinian attackers were killed and 2 captured.
When Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel was Arab states such as "fie beard". A few times a losing battle, until at last in the war of Yom Kippur ( 6 day war ) to 5 Arab countries ( Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Jordan ) must be defeated , even Palestine, Egypt and Syria have lost some territories such as the Sinai Desert ( been handed back by Israel to Egypt because they do not have any advantage other than the dry barren desert and arid ), the Golan Heights belong to Syria ( and still are maintained because have high economic value ). Moreover, the Palestinians, virtually disappeared from the map 75% of its territory belongs to Israel.
When Black September 1972 attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic athlete housing, Iron Lady is not familiar with compromise measures. She sent a full squad of Israeli commandos into the Germany army. As a result, although all these were killed, but on the other side of 7 Palestinian attackers were killed and 2 captured.

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