Monday 23 November 2015

Religion is Not Wrong (Palestine-Israel Conflict)

We cannot equate Zionism with Judaism. Or equate Islam with Al Qaeda or ISIS. Many Jews disagree with Zionism. All of Islamic people anti Al Qaeda and ISIS. Because that organization formed by the enemies, while the religion formed by their prophet.

So if you see the long Israel - Palestine conflict, don't see as the religion conflict. Palestionian history began when the ottomans defeated by the Arabs, then the British promised independence to the Palestinians in the future.

At the same time, Theodore Hetzl began to spread understanding of Zionism, which arose as a result of Europe's treatment of the Jewish people for 2,000 years. thus the Jews throughout the world, especially Europe for migrate to Palestine.

Orthodox Jews reject political Zionism because they believe in the coming of Messiah as the liberator of the land of Israel.

Historically, the Palestinian also struggle for independence. Before Hamas of Fatah became famous, initially Popular Liberation Front of Palestine wing Leninism-Marxism has been fighting for the independence of Palestine.  The organization led by an Orthodox Christian, George Habash.

In general, Israel's actions against the Palestinian people are often outside of humanity. Human rights violations, obsvious example is the high wall which make gap Israel and Palestine prove it. 

However retaliation Palestinian with suicide popular bombings it makes people think that has happened the civil war. 

I don't know, hopfully this two nations can live in harmony. Who can guarentee that?

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